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Call REBOOT protected-mode entry point with

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AX = function
0100h warm boot
Return: never
Note: broadcasts "Reboot_Processor" message, which is caught by the VKD device
0201h set KERNEL Ctrl-Alt-Del handler
Data: ES:DI new Ctrl-Alt-Del handler
DS:SI KERNEL reboot sanity check byte
Return: CF - clear
Note: if an application installs its own handler and then chains to Windows' handler, Windows will no longer be able to detect hung applications, and will always produce an "Application not responding" dialog.
DS must contain a writable, fixed selector because the provided address is converted to a linear address before being stored.
When Ctrl-Alt-Del is pressed in the system VM, Reboot sets the sanity check byte to zero, schedules a 750ms wait, and then tests whether the check byte is still zero; if not, it displays a message that there is no hung application and then exits.
0202h get KERNEL Ctrl-Alt-Del handler
Return: CF - clear
ES:DI current Ctrl-Alt-Del handler
Note: The default handler is located in KERNEL.
0203h display "Application not responding" dialog box
Data: ES:DI ASCIZ name of hung application
Return: never if user pressed Ctrl-Alt-Del a second time
CF - clear
AX = result
0000h = user pressed Esc
0001h = user pressed Enter
Note: this function is used by the default Windows Ctrl-Alt-Del handler
0204h set/reset protected-mode INT 01 handler
Data: CX:EDX new protected-mode INT 01 handler
CX = 0000h restore protected-mode INT 01 handler
Return: CF - clear
Note: If CX is nonzero, the current handler address is saved internally before the new handler is set; this saved address is then used when CX is zero on entry.
Used by Windows' default Ctrl-Alt-Del handler; actual fatal exit to DOS will be done on next INT 01h.
Warning: Opened files are not closed and remain open as orphaned files in DOS.
Note: Functions 0201h and 0203h are not useful outside the system VM.
See Also: #01271,#01273