



























Code Mnemonic Description
D0 /1 ROR r/m8, 1 Rotate 8 bits r/m8 right once
D2 /1 ROR r/m8, CL Rotate 8 bits r/m8 right CL times
C0 /1 ib ROR r/m8, imm8 Rotate 8 bits r/m16 right imm8 times
D1 /1 ROR r/m16, 1 Rotate 16 bits r/m16 right once
D3 /1 ROR r/m16, CL Rotate 16 bits r/m16 right CL times
C1 /1 ib ROR r/m16, imm8 Rotate 16 bits r/m16 right imm8 times
D1 /1 ROR r/m32, 1 Rotate 32 bits r/m32 right once
D3 /1 ROR r/m32, CL Rotate 32 bits r/m32 right CL times
C1 /1 ib ROR r/m32, imm8 Rotate 32 bits r/m32 right imm8 times

Shifts (rotates) the bits of the first operand (destination operand) the number of bit positions specified in the second operand (count operand) and stores the result in the destination operand. The destination operand can be a register or a memory location; the count operand is an unsigned integer that can be an immediate or a value in the CL register. The processor restricts the count to a number between 0 and 31 by masking all the bits in the count operand except the 5 least-significant bits.

The rotate left (ROL) and rotate through carry left (RCL) instructions shift all the bits toward more-significant bit positions, except for the most-significant bit, which is rotated to the least-significant bit location (see Figure 6-10 in the Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Vo l u me 1 ). The rotate right (ROR) and rotate through carry right (RCR) instructions shift all the bits toward less significant bit positions, except for the least-significant bit, which is rotated to the most-significant bit location (see Figure 6-10 in the Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1).

The RCL and RCR instructions include the CF flag in the rotation. The RCL instruction shifts the CF flag into the least-significant bit and shifts the most-significant bit into the CF flag (see Figure 6-10 in the Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1). The RCR instruction shifts the CF flag into the most-significant bit and shifts the least-significant bit into the CF flag (see Figure 6-10 in the Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1). For the ROL and ROR instructions, the original value of the CF flag is not a part of the result, but the CF flag receives a copy of the bit that was shifted from one end to the other.

The OF flag is defined only for the 1-bit rotates; it is undefined in all other cases (except that a zero-bit rotate does nothing, that is affects no flags). For left rotates, the OF flag is set to the exclusive OR of the CF bit (after the rotate) and the most-significant bit of the result. For right rotates, the OF flag is set to the exclusive OR of the two most-significant bits of the result.
Operands Bytes Clocks
reg, 1 2 1 PU
mem, 1 2 + d(0, 2) 3 PU
reg, cl 2 4 NP
mem, cl 2 + d(0, 2) 4 NP
reg, imm 3 1 PU
mem, imm 3 + d(0, 2) 3 PU (not pairable if there is a displacement and immediate)

ID unaffected DF unaffected
VIP unaffected IF unaffected
VIF unaffected TF unaffected
AC unaffected SF unaffected
VM unaffected ZF unaffected
RF unaffected AF unaffected
NT unaffected PF unaffected
IOPL unaffected CF contains the value of the bit shifted into it
OF affected only for single-bit rotates (see "Description" above); it is undefined for multi-bit rotates