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Values asynchronous notification routine defined by man.stream 8Ah called with

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ES:DI = handle of window
DS:SI = is 32-bit value set by 8Bh manager stream opcode mailbox contains message indicating event
Return: all registers unchanged
Opcode Arguments
Size Descriptiom
40h horizontal movement
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE new row
BYTE new col
41h vertical movement
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE new row
BYTE new col
42h horizontal size change
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE new rows
BYTE new cols
43h vertical size change
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE new rows
BYTE new cols
44h scrolled horizontally
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE mouse row within window
BYTE mouse column within window
BYTE field mouse is on, 0 if none
BYTE amount moved:
> 0 - right
< 0 - left
= 0 - done
45h scrolled vertically
DWORD object hande of window
BYTE mouse row within window
BYTE mouse column within window
BYTE field mouse is on, 0 if none
BYTE amount moved:
> 0 - right
< 0 - left
= 0 - done
46h window close request
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE mouse pointer row
BYTE mouse pointer column
BYTE field mouse is on, 0 if none
47h application's windows hidden
48h Help for Program selected
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE mouse pointer row
BYTE mouse pointer column
BYTE field mouse is on, 0 if none
49h pointer message sent to window
DWORD pointer handle which received message
4Ah switched to window from another ("raise")
4Bh switched away from the window ("lower")
4Ch video mode changed
BYTE new BIOS video mode
4Dh Scissors/cUt selected
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE row of upper left corner
BYTE column of upper left corner
BYTE field number ul corner is in, 0=none
DWORD handle of orphaned window created with copy of data from specified region
BYTE height of region
BYTE width of region
4Eh Scissors/Copy selected
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE row of upper left corner
BYTE column of upper left corner
BYTE field number ul corner is in, 0=none
DWORD handle of orphaned window created with copy of data from specified region
BYTE height of region
BYTE width of region
4Fh Scissors/Paste selected
DWORD object handle of window
BYTE row of upper left corner
BYTE column of upper left corner
BYTE field number ul corner is in, 0=none
DWORD handle of orphaned window with data
BYTE height of region
BYTE width of region
Note: orphaned data window should be adopted or freed when done
50h main menu about to pop up
51h main menu popped down